STAGE MANAGERS (2) 8th Graders
The Stage Manager works in tandem with the Director in rehearsal, recording the blocking and seeing that cast members stay on script, have necessary props, and follow the staging. As the blocking and set change cues are developed, the stage manager meticulously records the timing of each as it relates to the script and other aspects of the performance. All notes are maintained in a prompt book which contains all cues, technical notes, blocking and other information pertinent to the show. During the show the Stage Manager is responsible for communication between the director, actors and back stage crew. This job is perfect for a super organized, responsible student who can multitask in a fast paced environment, and keep track of lots of details.
ASST STAGE MGRS (2) 6th & 7th Graders
The Assistant Stage Manager is responsible for keeping track of cast members, sets and miscellaneous details during rehearsals and production of a stage performance as directed by the Stage Managers. They also attend all rehearsals and assist the Stage Manager in any assignments given.

PROP MASTERS (2) 7th 8th Graders
During performances, the Prop Master is in charge of the prop table(s), making sure it is organized and all props are accounted for and in working order. Must check all props at the beginning of call-time and after every performance.
Assists Prop Master with all props during all performances and rehearsals. Helps address any prop problems that might occur during a performance. May assist Backstage Crew with scene shifts etc.

Assists the Costume Designer, Ms. Sheehan with all aspects of costuming the show. This may involve organizing and stocking the drama closet, assisting with moving costumes in and out of the drama closet for each show, assisting with distribution of costume pieces and return of costume pieces from the actors, ensuring that all costume pieces are accounted for and in good working order at the end of each show, assisting actors with any required quick changes either on or near the stage and any other costume related needs of the show.

Assists with all aspects of make-up and hair for the show. Duties may include applying make-up, styling hair, assisting with keeping the make-up area and application tools clean and in good working order, assisting with any make-up and or hair/wig changes during the show and any other make-up related needs of the show.

LIGHT BOARD OPERATORS (3) 7th & 8th Grades
Responsible for operating the light board during all performances. Performs daily light checks at the beginning of all technical rehearsals and performance call times to ensure that all lighting equipment is working properly.
SPOT LIGHT CREW (6) All Grades
Assist with the spot lights during all performances. Responsible for
keeping the spot lights in working condition. Address any problems that might occur during a performance and report to the director.

SOUND BOARD OPERATORS (2) 7th & 8th Graders
Responsible for operating the sound board during all performances. This includes all body and stage mics and the performance soundtrack required to provide sound for the show. Performs daily sound checks at the beginning of all technical rehearsals and performance call times to ensure that all sound equipment is operating properly.
SOUND CREW (4) All Grades
Assists the Sound Board Operators with the sound board during all performances. Responsible for all body mics and making sure they working properly at all times. Keeping track of AA batteries and tape. Helps address any sound problems that might occur during a performance.

RUNNERS (10) All Grades
Responsible for the safety of the backstage area during all performances. Cleans stage at start of call-time and is responsible for all set changes during the course of a performance or rehearsal. Returns set to “pre-show” setting after every performance.

Responsible for handing out programs to audience members.